
Contact Us

Professional Pet Sitting, Dog Walking and Training in Riverhead, NY

We are waiting to become your pet’s new best friend: whether it be for training, walking or popping in while you are away on a trip.
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Dog Training, Dog Walks and Pet Sitting as well as Cat Care

We help your dog earn his training degrees in our Canine Life And Social Skills (C.L.A..S.S.) programs.

We take your dog on a walk around your area for socialization (if applicable) and exercise. We all need to get out of the house once or twice in a while.

Pet sitters come to your home which creates less stress on your pets and you, as you do not need to rush to the kennel to pick them up.

We also need to remember that our cats need daily care when you need to leave them at home when you need to travel.

Dog training classes - a1 critter sitter

Dog Training Classes

We are here to help you and your dog become best friends through learning how to listen and grow with each of the programs we offer. We offer the C.L.A.S.S. program which teaches you and your dog Canine Life And Social Skills to live and grow together.
dog walking

Dog Walks

This is truly different from our pet sitting services. This id for those dogs that need to get an extra walk around the block that just pet sitting does not cover. BUT, it can be added on, in addition, to a pet sitting trip. This will allow your dog to receive the pet sitting care as well as the extra exercise benefit of the dog walking services as well.

$20 for an extra 20 minute blast walk to expend energy

pet sitting

Pet Sitting Services

In your home pet care service provided for those times when your pet is unable to travel or stay in a kennel situation. We know that there are petes that cannot or should not travel due to health or stressful reactions to either people or other animals. We are here to help you with those times

We start at $25 per ½ hour visits which include up to 2 pets

cat care

Cat Care

Despite a natural belief that cats can care for themselves, cats can be our most favorite buttheads in the world. Have you come home and found that your cat knocked over some plants or something from the counter? WELL, that is my life as well. Our cats are 3 different personalities: The Old Man, The Teenager and The Cranky Lady. And it is not The Old Man that causes the trouble. LOL
$25 for first 2 cats $5 each cat after

Book your consultation

Consultation to discuss you and your dog’s needs. We will help you make the correct choice that will benefit you, your dog and your family.