Pet Sitting
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Areas we Service in Riverhead, NY Area
Riverhead, Calverton
A 1 Critter Sitters and Training near and round Riverhead, NY areas
Pet Sitting around Riverhead, NY
Pet Sitting in Riverhead, Westhampton Beach, Mattituck…
Do you or someone you know live in or around these towns that may need a pet sitter? We at A 1 Critter Sitters and Training may be available to help them. We are not confined to these three towns, of course. We are available to most towns that are within a 10-15 mile radius from Calverton/Riverhead area. Give us a WOOF and see if we can help you.
Farm animal need love as well!
Do you stay home because noone knows how to take care of your horse, pig, goat or even cows? Well, tke a gander at us. We have had all of these animals at one point in our lives and would love to add your crew to our family as well. So hunker down and give us a call to discuss your farm animal family to see if we would be a good fit.
Book your consultation
Consultation to discuss you and your dog’s needs. We will help you make the correct choice that will benefit you, your dog and your family.